Ozone has proven to be highly effective in killing bacteria, fungi, and molds and inactivating viruses both on the surfaces and suspended in the air. Ozone is proven to be effective also for the inactivation of the SARS virus. Ozone generators were used as a part of disinfection process for years. Now, COVID-19 spreads rapidly throughout the globe, medical professionals and scientists are doing all they can to help mitigate the spread of the virus, treat infected individuals, distribute factual information when they have it and save as many lives as possible.
It was discovered that the positive test swabs on the surfaces of the ambulances transporting sick people were coming up negative for the COVID-19 virus when 10000mg/h Ozone Generators were used as a part of this ambulance disinfection process. This is a game-changer for medical staff everywhere who are struggling to maintain contamination-free spaces.

Everyone loves their car, especially while it still has that new-car smell. Once that wears off, all sorts of other odors develop. Tobacco smoke, spilled food, gasoline smells, smog and mildew from the air conditioning system, non fresh used area air. These odors all contribute to a “not-pleasant” and “not-so-healthy” automotive environment. You get into the car day after day and are so used to the odors that you don’t even notice them anymore.You get used to the odors – but other people still smell the stink!
You want your car to look and smell its best at all times so you really only have three options:
1. Never eat, drink, or smoke in your car.
2. To have your car detailed by a professional over and over.
3. Remove the odors by ozone!
Cars owned by smokers and pet owners are impossible to resell until those odors have are gone. You might want to consider this when it is time to trade in your automobile. A good ozone treatment could significantly increase your trade in value you get for your car or truck.

Ozone is one of nature’s most effective sanitizers. Ozone shock treats a room suffering from mold, mildew, insecticide, and strong smoke/odor damage.
A recent study from the University at Buffalo revealed common bacteria can live on surfaces outside of the body for longer than previously thought. The researchers found that Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes can live on surfaces such as toys, books and cribs for weeks or even months. According to the S. pyogenes study, “S. pyogenes commonly causes strep throat in children and can cause skin infections and other serious infection in both children and adults.”
Additionally, scientists say S. pneumonia is a leading cause of childhood ear infections as well as illness and death from respiratory tract infections in children and the elderly. “Commonly handled objects contaminated with these biofilm bacteria could act as reservoirs of bacteria for hours, weeks or months, being vehicles of spread upon contact.”
Basically, ozone removes odor by destroying the molecules, bacteria, and spores that cause unpleasant smells. Ozone (O3) is a highly reactive molecule and is very quick to chemically react with particles that it comes into contact with in the air and on surfaces. The extra oxygen atom in the ozone attaches itself to other molecules, chemically changing their structure to create non-offensive molecules – eliminating the smell.
One common scenario involves people who have “tried everything” to get rid of a smell, but are still left with lingering scents that just don’t seem to go away. One reason that ozone is effective in these situations is because, as a gas, ozone effectively “cleans” any place that air can go. This includes air, walls, ceilings, ductwork, carpet fibers, gaps between floorboards, cracks in walls, and more. Ozone is able to penetrate into these areas and destroy odors that it finds there. It is best to do the cleaning first. Then, after you have removed the source of the odor, run the ozone generator to eliminate the smell.

The last thing a tired traveler wants to be met with after arriving in their hotel room is an unpleasant odor whether it’s musky, smoke odors, lingering pet odors or non fresh used area air. One way USA Today has recommended to remove odors in hotel rooms is with an ozone generator.
A $1000 ozone machine can turn a smoking hotel room into a non-smoking room in an hour. Use a big enough ozone machine and use it long enough and it can kill outright things like mold, mildew and bacteria.

Ozone is a unique solution to the common problem of bacteria, lice, bed bugs, allergens and odor in bedding. It automatically and safely sterilizes up to three mattresses ranging from twin to king size. Items to be sterilized are placed in large plastic bags, which are tied shut and connected to the Bed Sterilizer by hoses. The unit automatically evacuates the air from the bag, replaces it with pure ozone and then allows the ozone to disinfect the contents of the bag. It then evacuates and decomposes the ozone into plain oxygen. The total cycle takes about an hour. When the operator returns, the sterilized items are ready for immediate use, and the room is free of ozone.

The last thing customers want to be met with after arriving to house which they are planning to buy is an unpleasant smell whether it’s musky, smoke odors, lingering pet odors or non fresh used area air. Ozone eliminates all odors including smoke immediately!
Landlords know that when leasing a property, it must look good and smell good to impress potential renters. There are many smells that the previous occupants could have left behind that will lessen the value of the property. Unpleasant smells could be lingering due to food, appliances, clothes, pets, smoke and mold that will leave the property unappealing. Dirty air vents could also contribute to an unpleasant stench that stick around the unit.

After a fire determine the severity of the smell, which will dictate the amount of time needed for treatment.
For example, heavy smoke smells will require longer treatment times (4 hours or more), while pet smells could be solved in a shorter amount of time (4 hours or less). How long can it be to treat of the smell of fire? It is only 8 hours.
The benefits of using ozone for fire restoration work are fantastic. Smoke odor molecules that infiltrate all porous surfaces can be permanently removed by ozone gas. Only ozone will work on the most stubborn of all odor molecules, that being protein. Odors associated with dead bodies, and other forms of decay, like freezer failure have long resisted normal chemical deodorizing attempts. Ozone again has the potency to neutralize even these contaminants.


Basements (Mold/Mildew, Odors)
Remove Food Odors
Kill Airborne Bacteria
Eliminate Airborne Pollen
Neutralize Skunk and Animal Odors
Water Purification
Drinking water by glass or gallon, bathwater, pools by filter
Treatment of refrigerators and freezers
Animal Odor
Bingo Parlors
Cigarette Odors
Coffee Shops
Cruise Ships
Fire Damage
Locker Rooms
Nursing Homes
Pet Odors
Pool Halls
Real Estate
Rental Cars
Rental Properties

Disinfect laundry in hospitals, food factories, care homes etc.
Disinfect water in place of chlorine
Deodorize air and objects, such as after a fire. This process is extensively used in fabric restoration
Kill bacteria on food or on contact surfaces
Sanitize swimming pools and spas
Kill insects in stored grain
Scrub yeast and mold spores from the air in food processing plants
Wash fresh fruits and vegetables to kill yeast, mold and bacteria
Chemically attack contaminants in water (iron, arsenic, hydrogen sulfide, nitrites, and complex organics lumped together as “colour”)
Provide an aid to flocculation (agglomeration of molecules, which aids in filtration, where the iron and arsenic are removed)
Manufacture chemical compounds via chemical synthesis
Clean and bleach fabrics (the former use is utilized in fabric restoration; the latter use is patented);
Act as an antichlorin chlorine-based bleaching
Assist in processing plastics to allow adhesion of inks
Age rubber samples to determine the useful life of a batch of rubber
Eradicate water borne parasites such as Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium in surface water treatment plants
Dental Hygiene
Oxidizing Air for Freshness
General Disinfectant
Treatment of all meat products
Treatment of fruits and vegetables